INNERSCAPE – VacuaMoenia Opencall

The development of new technologies and recording techniques allows us to listen to soundscapes the ear wouldn’t normally capture. VacuaMoenia has named this practice “inner soundscape“. Sound artists, musicians and listeners are invited to submit works that represent the inner form of matter. The open call INNERSCAPES encourages the production of compositions that highlight imperceptible soundscapes to the naked ear. Participants are encouraged to explore and expand ideas of deep listening within their own individual experiences and personal journeys.
Use Wetransfer or Dropbox to upload your zipped file. It must contain the track and a PDF file.
Once you get the link, send it trough the form below.
The audio file must be in WAV or AIFF format (44.1 kHz, 16 bit).
For the scores, if possible, beside sending the text and its detailed description, attach an audio file.
Inside the zipped file, insert the PDF with name and surname, link to website, soundcloud, etc. and name of the piece (following this scheme: name artist – name piece – duration and localization of recordings).
In the PDF, indicate the equipment and/or instruments used to play/record, notes and/or comments to the piece.
Specify which kind of composition is the piece, if field recording, soundscape or both.
Maximum duration is 8 minutes.
It is possible to apply with only ONE piece/composition.
The material must be previously unpublished.
In case of failure to comply with the guidelines, or wrong or missed compilation of one of the points, will result in an exclusion from the call.
COPYRIGHT By signing the registration form, the participant accepts unconditionally and thoroughly this Regulation. The artist holds ownership of the work sent but grants to Ass.Cult.VacuaMœnia the right to use it at no charge for communication and promotion porposes. By participating to this concourse, the artist attests the originality the artwork.
ALBUM The selected compositions will be gathered in a digital-release that will be published on VacuaMœnia Bandcamp page. In addition, the artists will be invited to Palermo in 2017 to take part in a workshop which aims to confront with others musicians on the topics of soundscape, acoustic ecology and on personal compositional and formal techniques.
The deadline is Saturday 31th December 2016, 12:00 PM.