[a012] Paceco – Fabio R. Lattuca
FABIO R. LATTUCA [22.11.1984]
I am a musicologist and researcher on soundscape and acoustic ecology. My studies are influenced by A. Farina theories about the interaction beetwen geo, bio and antrophonies sources. I am co-founder of “VacuaMoenia”, a research project on sicilian abandoned soundscape. VacuaMoenia is an identitary and ecological sonic act aimed at the revolution of deeper meanings. On October 2013, the project takes part in SAE Symposium in Kent (UK) with the installation “Gradients” and “Invisible Places – Sounding Cities” Symposium in Viseu (PT) with the “Omelia al Vento” composition. A site-project on Poggioreale, a little town destroyed by an earthquake in 1968, is published on “Sound at Work” – a compilation by TempoReale – by the name “23pg12rl12”.
On 2014, I have released for Galaverna (IT) “Borgo Schirò– ChurchScape” with P. Bonanno. For the release, I have wroten an article about the title “Colonization and Third Scape” on the involution of the soundscape of Borgo Schirò, near Palermo. In August, I have released my first solo work for Green Field Recording about the Zingaro soundscape and the interaction between human and natural aspects.
I wrote for the AGORA’ magazine a historical and theoretical article about two rural villages built by the fascism at the beginning of ‘900, Borgo Regalmici and Borgo Fazio.
On 1st February, Sonic Terrain releases “Amix_” a phonography that puts in contrasts two aspects of the Sicilian soundscape. The recordings were tooken between the reserve of the Bomes lake – 37 823 LAT, LON 13,820 – and the town of Caltavuturo into Madonie county.
“Orecchie Sotto l’Acqua” – a field recording composition – was selected by SonicTerrain for his WLD2015 – Compilation.
La Escucha Atenta has released “P A S H K E T“, that I was recorded during the Greek-Othodox Easter in Piana degli Albanesi, a small town near Palermo. Two languages, Greek and Albanian, are used in the liturgical celebrations. The ritual, solemn and full of symbolism, originates from the sacred liturgy written by St. Basil and St. John Chrysostom, Fathers of the Greek Church.
At least, Stuart Fowkes has selected my phonography “Zingaro – Ecological Hotspot” for his project called “My Favourite Field Recording” with other soundscapists around the world.
Gear Used
• Audio Technica AT4071a Shotgun Mic
• Oktava Mk012 Cardioid
• Tascam Dr60D Recorder
• Contact Mics
• ZoomH2n
• Blimp and WindShield
• Baby Ball 20mm
• Rycote Classic Softie
• Rycote Mini Windjammer
• AKG K271 MKII Headphones
• Tripod
• Rode Boompole
Photo: Atilio Doreste